Sunday, February 28, 2010

Big Mistake, And I Do Mean Big

I made the mistake of weighing myself at my in-laws' house tonight. I just want to say it's been nice knowing you all, because I plan to never leave my room again.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Husband, the Celebrity

Josh has been asked to provide a head shot to be included on the Texas ComicCon website. Do you think this one will work?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Late Night (Early Morning) Musings

I am ridiculously corny and cheesy. I over-emote. I often write or say things that embarrass me. Sometimes I think perhaps my mode of expression leaves people feeling that I am insincere. Or unstable. Or both.

Also, I'm really loud. Sometimes I will be in the middle of a conversation and suddenly realize that people can probably hear me for ten miles around.

It's 2:22 a.m. Josh is continuing to weird me out by going to bed at abnormally early hours. Turns out I don't do so well going to sleep when he is not awake. Insomnia has kicked in. It's like when I travel for work. It takes me forever to fall asleep and I have to have the TV on to do it.

He's going to Texas Comic Con in San Antonio for a couple of days in June. How will I make it through the weekend without him? I don't think I like this idea of the shoe being on the other foot.

I have videos to post of my children being amazing -- Fitz playing peek-a-boo and walking across a room, Katie twirling, Charlie doing a puzzle and Alek with a medicine ball up his shirt pretending to be a pregnant lady. Videos take forever to post, so I have to be in the right mood to deal with them.

I exercised two days in a row. I don't think that has happened since before I was pregnant with Fitz. Sad, sad, sad. But I am trying to be better.

I will be a total zombie tomorrow. I'll probably die in a car accident during my commute.

Why do roosters crow all the time? Even if I tried to go to sleep now, would I be able to with that awful noise outside my window?

Speaking of chickens, have you ever seen chickens hanging out in the tops of trees? I didn't think they did that, but I keep coming home to chickens chilling in the tree tops in my neighbor's yard. Is this a sign of the apocalypse?

I'm trying really hard to be a nicer person. I know I am too critical. I have been thinking a lot about my mom and how she always gives people the benefit of the doubt, doesn't speak ill of anyone and exudes love and optimism. I want to be like that.

I feel very blessed. I forgot to tell my family about how my and their prayers were answered when I sent them a cryptic and overly dramatic e-mail a couple of weeks ago. That's bad. I should let people know when their prayers on my behalf are answered. I won't go into detail, but I will tell you that everything is okay. Prayer is amazing.

I'm going to try to sleep now.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Hope and Other Good Stuff

So I am feeling kinda stressed out and worried and down about some things in my life right now. Mostly I feel bad about how I never seem to ever be able to learn anything important. Why can I not transfer the knowledge in my head into real life? So frustrating.

However, amongst all these things that are bad, bad, bad, there are things going on that are kinda exciting and good and give me hope.

One of those things is what's going on with Josh. Josh is a working artist, although I have come to appreciate the reality that many working artists would be starving artists without a second source of income. Josh is making the kind of money that starting comic book artists can expect to make, which is to say, practically nothing. But he's working and that is awesome. What is more awesome is that the company he is doing work for wants to pay for Josh to attend a huge convention in Texas this summer. They will pay his airfare and lodging and get him a table so he can show his art work and what not. Does anyone else find this incredible? It is incredbile to me and also surreal. Apparently, Comic Book Divas displayed Josh's art work at a smaller convention recently and there was a lot of buzz about how amazing it was. I mean, his work his amazing and it should create a lot of buzz, but wow. Since when is this the kind of thing that happens to us? Josh's quasi-agent told him about all this the other night and told him he was going to be a celebrity, a star, that everyone was going to know who he was. Now see, if this guy was like a real agent, you'd be like, "okay, whatever, dude," but this guy is just another artist who also happens to find work for fellow artists who he thinks are talented. So what he says kinda means something.

But you know what Josh said to me when he told me this story? He said, "I don't want to be a celebrity. I don't want to be one of those guys who walks around conventions thinking he's better than everybody." Which is just cute. Don't you just love Josh? If not, you really should. He is the best.

Another good thing is working in Young Women's. I love the girls. I'm also getting to know one of the leaders much better and we are becoming good friends. She is a pretty amazing person. I really need a friend besides Josh, so that is a real blessing.

I have also had many reminders over the past couple of weeks that Heavenly Father really loves me, that I really am His daughter and that He will not give up on me. Having that knowledge is a powerful and wonderful thing. There is so much hope and peace and comfort in having a testimony of the gospel and in knowing who you are. I may be a slow learner, but I'm a daughter of God and I have a Savior and it will be okay if I put my trust in them. I'm grateful for the temple, for words of living prophets, for music, for a breathtakingly beautiful world, for friends and family, and for scriptures that keep bringing me back to what I know is true.

So despite my stress, I'm hanging in there. God keeps giving me tools to drive the fear away and to remember how really blessed I am.

Funny and Sad

This story makes me sad. The whole situation is completely ridiculous. Maybe they should cut off little boys' fingers so they can't pretend those are guns.


On another note, this story made me laugh because it reminded me of a funny incident in my life. Several years ago, when Josh and I were living with his parents, Josh had some of his action figures displayed on our entertainment center. The action figures ranged from Navy Seals to Star Wars characters and many of them held small plastic toy guns. One day we had a visitor and I was speaking with him in the room where our entertainment center was. He interrupted our conversation to ask if we could move to a different location because he felt uncomfortable with all those guns pointed at him.

Ha ha ha ha ha. I love that story.

UDPATE: My friend was not joking; he was completely serious.