I woke up before the sun on August 19, 2011 to get ready for a 5:15 a.m. induction appointment at Kaiser Roseville. You were a week late and I was more than ready to meet you. (And to stop being pregnant, because it was not at all fun at that point.) As I was getting ready, I began having contractions. They were irregular – sometimes two minutes apart, sometimes 15 – but they were there and I was hopeful that I would have a short labor and easy delivery.
Grandpa Gene came over to stay with your brothers and sister, and Daddy and I were off to the hospital. It seemed like the admittance process took an eternity, but finally I was escorted to my room. The nurse talked to me about the plan for induction and my desires for the birth. I gave her my birth plan and she noted that I didn’t want any drugs during labor and delivery. She asked me if I had any pain management techniques in my arsenal and I told her not really. She taught me some breathing to do and helped me through a contraction. My contractions continued, becoming more regular and more painful.