I watched a video today created by a group called Straight Spouses -- a support group for spouses or former spouses of individuals who are gay/lesbian. Being authentic, honest and true to who you are was mentioned several times on there. I love honesty and truly despise dishonesty. I think if you are same-sex attracted, you should tell your spouse -- it's really best to do this before you get married, by the way! But for some of these individuals, I got the feeling that they were saying that now that this person has decided to engage in homosexual behavior, he or she is being true to himself and things are so much better. Which leads me to ask this -- who are we, really?
The answer to that question is one of the profound truths revealed in scripture and clarified and affirmed through the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ in these latter days. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, speaks of it in this article from the October 2007 Ensign:
“You serve yourself poorly when you identify yourself primarily by your sexual feelings. That isn’t your only characteristic, so don’t give it disproportionate attention. You are first and foremost a son of God, and He loves you."
We are, first and foremost, children of God. Created in His image. To become as He is. This being the case, authenticity, honesty, being true to ourselves -- these are expressed when we live in such a way that demonstrates we are indeed His children. Everything we do that pulls us away from God and keeps us from becoming as He is creates an obstacle to being our most true selves.
We are all imperfect, flawed, fallible human beings. We will all choose things that keep us from God, from reaching our full potential on any given day. But the truth is, that potential is there, still there in all of us, no matter our past or present sins and indiscretions. To strive each day to be more like God is the only way to be true to ourselves.