In general, I don't condone watching sports on Sunday; however, was that game awesome or what? Didn't watch the whole thing, but holy moly the last quarter was something else. Eli Manning and David Tyree coming through with that totally clutch miraculous pass/reception. What the heck?! How did Manning get away from what looked like practically the entire Patriots defensive line? How did Tyree grab and then hold onto that ball? AMAZING!!!
I'm not a big Giants fan, but I sure like Eli Manning and I sure hate the Patriots. Not a big fan of Tom Brady either, especially not since he pulled a K-Fed and ditched his pregnant actress girlfriend for a bigger name star. Unlike K-Fed, however, he has not gotten much flack for that behavior. I guess if you're a big star and generally thought of as attractive, you can pretty much get away with anything.
I would rant about that some more, but I don't really have enough emotional energy to get worked up about that right now. My emotional energy is pretty much all tied up in things that actually pertain to my life.
Anyway, hoorah to the Giants! Thank you for beating the Patriots.
That's funny. That post actually makes it sound like you know something about football. I on the other hand am completely clueless about sports and pleasantly so. I am just glad the superbowl is over so they can stop talking about it on the news here in AZ. As if it matters!!!
I was just happy that the cheaters got beat!! I mean how can we teach our kids that cheaters never win, if they actually do?
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