Monday, February 11, 2008

Jessica Today

I started my "new job", which is basically everything I've already been doing for the past two years, plus everything I've been doing for the past month and a half, with a slightly better title and slightly better pay. Also the promise of moving away from the front desk and turning over most of the clerical duties to a new person, whenever we hire someone -- that's the best part.

I lost three pounds this week, bringing me to a total of 37 pounds. So only 29 more pounds to go. Think I can get there by June 30 (my birthday)?

I volunteered to sing to my boss as part of recognizing him for 5 years of service. We're doing "Association Idol", because he loves "American Idol." What is wrong with me? Of course, at first they wanted me to be Randy Jackson. Singing seemed like the better deal.

I am still thinking about all the wonderful things I heard last night at the worldwide leadership training broadcast we had at church. I took a ton of notes and had a lot of ideas about how we could move forward as a family. It was such a great meeting and I am so glad I was able to go.

I am also trying to figure out how Josh and I can swing going on a date for Valentine's Day. Finding a babysitter is always the biggest issue.

Katie is singing "Wheels on the Bus", Alek is planning family home evening, and Charlie is hungry. That's my cue to sign off.


Jen said...

Jessica-That is so awesome that you have lost so much weight! Congratulations!

Rachel said...

Congratulations on the promotion! And on how great your weight loss is going!!! I hope things keep going well for you.