I'll join my sisters in their walks down memory lane about my sweet Daddy, who would have been 67 today. They took most of the funny memories, so mine will mostly be sappy. And I don't have any pictures of Dad on this computer. Sorry.
My memories of Dad:
Spring 1993 -- He had just told us about how he had to get his heart looked at and that if it was as bad as the doctor suspected he would be put on a transplant list. Amy was supposed to be going into the MTC in the very near future. He came into my room and told me "no matter what happens, I want you to make sure that Amy goes on her mission." To this day, I have no idea why he chose to tell
me that, of all people. But I'm glad he did.
1991 0r 1992 -- Dad was supposed to take Heather and I to some Stake Daddy/Daughter activity. I don't remember exactly what happened, but we didn't end up going to the activity, although we all still went out together. Dad's teasing was getting on my nerves and I told him to kiss my butt. His reply? "Mark off a spot, 'cause you're all butt to me." Zing. He was pretty quick. And I totally deserved it. I can't believe I used to talk to my parents that way.
Fall 1992 -- I didn't make the school play. I was furious. My anger spilled over onto my dad unnecessarily. Then I took a nap. I woke up to discover my dad making my favorite meal and a note and a carnation from my dad on my dresser.
1981? -- Dad took me along when he chaperoned a school trip to Disneyland. I loved every minute of it, but I especially appreciate him making me go on Space Mountain.
All the times when I stayed home "sick" from school and Dad would take me to work with him. He even took me on a work trip when I was like 21 years old. He found ways to spend individual time with us, even though there were so many of us.
1996, 97 or 98 -- Sitting around talking with Mom and Dad on a Sunday and him saying, "Doesn't your mom have great legs? She's always had the greatest legs." Mom was so embarrassed. And I've probably embarrassed her all over again. Sorry, Mom. :)
Early 90's -- All of us kids skipping through the mall with Dad while he held mom's purse.
1994 -- Talking to my family after they had come to see me in "Our Town" and my dad saying that he would do whatever it took to make sure I could be an actress, if that's what I wanted. He really thought I was talented. I always knew Dad was proud of me. When I would meet people he knew, they would tell me how he bragged about my talents.
June 1991 -- My birthday was on a Sunday. Dad made me a little birthday card at church. I put it in my scrapbook and I've had it ever since.
1998 -- Dad telling Jared the story of the day I was born and how he promised the Lord that if Mom and I were spared that he would do everything in his power to make sure I got married in the temple.
2000 -- Coming home to find my dad hugging my soon-to-be ex-husband in the driveway in front of our house. He wanted so badly to help him and I know that's because he loved me so much.
2000 -- Right after Rachel's sealing, when Dad gave me a big hug and told me he had the strong impression that there would be another day for me in the temple. And then a little over three years later, knowing Dad was there to see it, even though I couldn't see him.
How Dad always used to buy us gifts we hadn't asked for, but he thought we would love. I cherish the beautifully illustrated copy of
Peter Pan he bought me. And my
Star Wars pictures, of course.
Eileen and Peg jokes
Looking for the man who shot my "paw"
Dad splitting up the Rolos when we'd go to the movies as a family.
Dad's Oscar night contest for FHE that one year. I won, of course. My prizes were Fiddle Faddle and a big handheld mirror with a strip of paper he'd printed on the computer that said, "I'm the best."
Dad kissing Mom in the kitchen and all of us being grossed out. This happened a lot.
Watching "Jeopardy" with Dad.
Going to the temple with Dad when he took his mom's name through for baptism and confirmation (1993, I think) and being there when his parents were sealed and he was sealed to them (1998?). And our testimony meeting afterward.
Dad's smile. It was awesome. And just so goofy.
Dad always letting me beat him at arm wrestling.
Dad getting all bundled up to get rid of the hornets nest outside Amy and Jen's bedroom window. Do you guys remember that? Remember he wore the big welding gloves?
The way Dad always addressed waiters and waitresses by name and was so nice to them.
I don't remember this, but the Heebie Jeebies story has always been one of my favorites.
There are so many things. We Geers really do have lives chock full of fantastic moments.
I came down with the stomach flu today and had to leave work early. When I haven't been sleeping, I have spent some time reading
1776 (which I started a while ago, so I'm not copying you, Jen). Being sick and reading a history book is so like my dad. I feel close to him today.
This is poorly written, but I'm lacking the proper nutrition to write clearly.
I love you, Daddy. Thanks for being you.