Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Late Night (Early Morning) Musings

I am ridiculously corny and cheesy. I over-emote. I often write or say things that embarrass me. Sometimes I think perhaps my mode of expression leaves people feeling that I am insincere. Or unstable. Or both.

Also, I'm really loud. Sometimes I will be in the middle of a conversation and suddenly realize that people can probably hear me for ten miles around.

It's 2:22 a.m. Josh is continuing to weird me out by going to bed at abnormally early hours. Turns out I don't do so well going to sleep when he is not awake. Insomnia has kicked in. It's like when I travel for work. It takes me forever to fall asleep and I have to have the TV on to do it.

He's going to Texas Comic Con in San Antonio for a couple of days in June. How will I make it through the weekend without him? I don't think I like this idea of the shoe being on the other foot.

I have videos to post of my children being amazing -- Fitz playing peek-a-boo and walking across a room, Katie twirling, Charlie doing a puzzle and Alek with a medicine ball up his shirt pretending to be a pregnant lady. Videos take forever to post, so I have to be in the right mood to deal with them.

I exercised two days in a row. I don't think that has happened since before I was pregnant with Fitz. Sad, sad, sad. But I am trying to be better.

I will be a total zombie tomorrow. I'll probably die in a car accident during my commute.

Why do roosters crow all the time? Even if I tried to go to sleep now, would I be able to with that awful noise outside my window?

Speaking of chickens, have you ever seen chickens hanging out in the tops of trees? I didn't think they did that, but I keep coming home to chickens chilling in the tree tops in my neighbor's yard. Is this a sign of the apocalypse?

I'm trying really hard to be a nicer person. I know I am too critical. I have been thinking a lot about my mom and how she always gives people the benefit of the doubt, doesn't speak ill of anyone and exudes love and optimism. I want to be like that.

I feel very blessed. I forgot to tell my family about how my and their prayers were answered when I sent them a cryptic and overly dramatic e-mail a couple of weeks ago. That's bad. I should let people know when their prayers on my behalf are answered. I won't go into detail, but I will tell you that everything is okay. Prayer is amazing.

I'm going to try to sleep now.


Rachel said...

Welcome to the Insomnia Club. Last night I went to bed at 11:45pm and that is the earliest I have been to bed in weeks and weeks. Most nights it is at least 1am. But I don't have nearly the musings you do at night. My brain is full of nothingness! Glad your prayers were answered. Do you have any idea how excited I am to see you in May? I get giddy when I think about it!:)

Jen said...

Rachel-you have described me. What is wrong with us?

Jess-still waiting for the videos:)