Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Charlie’s 3rd Birthday

Charlie turned three on May 3rd. We had an extremely lame party for him, which I feel bad about. I was totally disorganized and I didn’t even frost the cake I made for him. And you’ll probably notice from the pictures that he and Fitz are both just in their diapers and Kate and Alek are in their pajamas. Oh well. Here are some pictures anyway:

At first, Charlie was somewhat interested in opening his presents. He actually ripped part of the wrapping paper off this present.

Charlie quickly lost interest, however, and we had to keep putting him back in his chair to force him to experience having a really lame birthday party.

Eventually, Charlie’d had it with opening presents. Fortunately, he only had a few to open and we could move quickly on to cake.

Josh helped Charlie eat his cake. No one seemed to mind it was unfrosted. Actually, I like cake without frosting and it’s definitely not worth frosting a cake if the frosting you have is not very tasty. And I did not have tasty frosting in the house. We wouldn’t let poor Fitz have any cake; see him in the background looking longingly at all of us as we chow down without him? We’re mean.

Alek and Katie had fun, at least, and were happy to celebrate Charlie’s presence here on earth, especially since cake was involved.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Your kids are so beautiful. Think of it this way, Jess. If you were Jehovah's Witness your kids wouldn't even get to celebrte their birthdays at all. Who cares if some of your kids were in jammies or diapers. I think they are all adorable no matter what.