When I tell you a story about my ex or show you a picture of him or whatever, do not say, "you should have known." It's just rude and hurtful. Do not take the most horrible thing that another human being has ever done to me and try to make it my fault. It's not nice.
Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest.
I hope you don't think that I think that. Just because I knew, why should you have? It is not your fault. It is HIS and that is all there is to it. Plain and simple. Over and out.
Who said that to you? Seriously, don't tell me because I might have to punch them in the face. Here's a simple truth. People will never take full responsibility for their own choices if other people keep trying to pawn off some of the responsibility for their choices on someone else. Your ex is an adult and has been for some time. You are in no way responsible for the bad or good choices he has made. He is an agent unto himself. Anyone else who implies otherwise doesn't not understand agency. And I also think people don't give people like that enough credit. They actively work to keep their true selves hidden from the world. They are deceptive, manipulative, cunning, and crafty. I'm not sure I want to be so jaded in my views of people as to always assume that everyone is constantly trying to pull one over on me. You didn't see what he was hiding from you because you are trusting. And that is a good thing.
I was showing old photos to some friends at work recently. I showed them a picture of me and Jared in Our Town and that was their reaction. It definitely rubbed me the wrong way.
They're speaking in ignorance and a whole big whoppin' dose of "no manners".
I surely hope that they have no situations in their lives where they made prayerful decisions and then it turned out badly despite their best efforts. Or that they've never been screwed over by someone they loved and trusted. 'Cause that kind of thing only happens to "other people", right?
Good grief.
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