Sunday, September 08, 2013

Spring 2013

It's been six months since I actually blogged about our family life and those posts were catch-up posts, too. Sigh. These were the goings on this spring.

Fitz turned 4 and he looked like this.

I made him a shark cake that was far inferior to the one I made for Katie, but loved every bit as much.

We celebrated Easter in our disorganized way.

The kids exulted in the trampoline.

Alek celebrated a successful basketball season.

Katie had her first of, I'm sure, many starring roles (as the maiden/queen in Rumpelstiltskin).

I took an amazing trip to Arizona and Disneyland to see my Mom and sisters. (Post about this trip to come.)

During this trip, Charlie turned six. Josh, the kids and some of Josh's family threw him a party in my absence. I had the camera, but Josh's mom took pictures with her camera. But I don't have access to them. After I got home, we bought Charlie his birthday present. He loved it for a little while. Now he just likes it.

We went to the Sacramento Zoo, without Alek. Which makes me feel like a jerk.

We took drives to Auburn and Placerville and just around town. We do that a lot.

And the kids finished up the school year.

And thus concludes our trip through the Spring 2013. Summer 2013 coming soon!


Jen said...

Cute! I love your kids. I am glad you are blogging again- Peer pressure is good sometimes:)

heathermommy said...

Every time I see pics of Jane I am like, " who is tha blond kid???" So cute. Did you get janes Easter dress from me? Audrey had one just like that.

Jessica said...

Actually, that's Eliza's old dress!