Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Florence Nightingale

You: I wonder how Jess is doing today.

Me: Jess is at home nursing a husband and baby, both afflicted with a nasty stomach flu. When people are throwing up all over and diapers are exploding, that's not a good time to be without a washer and dryer. Sigh. Josh has turned a horrible shade of green, yet still manages to look as pale as death. He is also shaking and sweaty and has passed out twice. Charlie has cried more in the past two days than he has in the past 15 months. It makes me so sad to see him so unhappy and in pain.

How are you?


Rachel said...

I am so sorry. I hate to see the people I love like that. I hope that they start feeling better soon.

heathermommy said...

i so don't envy you

hope everyone feels better soon.

Jen said...

ugh--Jess. I am so sorry. I hope the rest of you don't get it!