Saturday, October 18, 2008

I am not intolerant

See this video.

And for good measure, go to and watch all the videos there. Get information on what the real consequences of legalizing gay marriage will be. Our religious and personal freedoms are on the line.


CeeJ said...

I feel exactly the same way. I'm doing everything I can to get the word out as well. Keep up the good work! :)

Amy Sheppard said...


Our "Yes on 102" sign was stolen out of our yard last night. Fortunately, they threw it into our trash can. So we will put it back. Jacob can't believe it would happen in Gilbert. I wish that I was surprised.


Rachel said...

That is terrible, Amy. Just remember girls that no matter what happens this year during the election, "No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing..." That was qouted at least twice during Conference.

Jessica said...

My in-laws had their Yes on Prop 8 signs stolen, too. All three of them. The tyranny of tolerance at work! (See the video of Elder Bednar on the Preserving Marriage web site.)

Jen said...

I want to know how come Amy never reads my blog!!!

heathermommy said...

I want to know why amy never reads my blog either!!!

We didn't volunteer to put a sign in our yard because we are trying to sell our house. Does that sound bad??

Karen said...

It's so good to have "found" you. I appreciate your perspective and love all that you share on your blog (for people like me who don't even know where to start looking for all that great information). I look forward to more reading.