Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stimulus My Foot

I've been reading a lot about this stimulus bill that just passed and boy howdy does it stink to high heaven. Several good articles out there I could point you to, but I really like this one.

Major takeaway for me?

" 'Our standard of living needs to come down to the point where it can be supported by organic output,” says Schiff. “It’s brutal, but it’s called capitalism, and it works. The alternative is called socialism, and it doesn’t work.' "

This article kinda says what I've been saying all along -- government stay away. Free markets are self-correcting. Let capitalism do it's job. Government intereference is a lot of how we got into this mess. Plus, on the whole, Americans overconsume. Maybe it's time we learned some hard lessons about industry and thrift. I know it's high time for me.


Rachel said...

On top of the fact that they shouldn't be doing the stimulus at all, it also contains lots of "extra" stuff. Like $335 million for STD education for teens and $200 million to spruce up the National Mall. WHAT????
I wonder if anyone remembers why we fought the Revolutionary War? Didn't we once hope for a government that would stay out of our way and out of our pocketbooks. We will all pay for this out of control stimulus bill!

fuelMybrain said...

Yep, these were the things I was freaking out about during election mania... McCain possibly would have won if he'd of put his foot down and voted against the bailout to show the people that capitalism is what's best. Some businesses do bad business and tough luck, the government is not suppose to clean up the mess, grrrr...

I think they should of let it all fall... turn the societal view of buy now, pay later (micro and macro levels of thinking).

Be ready to line up for cheese, it's looking as if we're going in that direction.

Hey did you hear today that CA has stopped processing tax return for a bit in order to utilize that money (you know, the tax payer's money) elsewhere to put out some other fire they've gotten themselves into? Anyway, it's crazy.

Good post, great thoughts!

Brenda said...

There's an interesting article in the BYU magazine:

I wish people would listen to the economists when they talk about the economy, instead of panicking at what the media feeds them.

Everyone is too proud to accept responsibility for their own actions, so they expect the govt to make it all better. If they don't follow us around with wet naps to clean up our messes, then obviously it's all their fault and they're the ones with their priorities mixed up.

It is looking like the bill isn't going to make it through Congress. I figured Obama's idealism would take a bit of a shot once he actually started trying to get things done. Change isn't so easy. Even with all his inspiring words, people are still resistant to it.