In reference to my second post on January 28. I was just teasing. I thought the article was . . . uh, funny in that I think it overlooked much more obvious reasons why certain names might be more connected with crime than other names. I won't go into all those reasons here.
I know some people hate the baby's name. Some people have flat out told me that and others have told me they hate it by not saying anything about the name. I wish I could say it doesn't bother me, but it does. But I'm trying to take a page from Josh's book and not care, because the baby's name is what it is. I won't go into a long story about it here, but I just feel like this is what we are supposed to name the baby. And if 25 years from now, he's a homeless drifter or standing on top of a bell tower with an automatic rifle, hopefully no one will lay the blame on his name.
I don't hate your name--at least if it is still FW. What do you think you will end up calling him-the full name or a nickname?
Grace has named this baby. She has been calling him Joshua ever since we got home from the ultrasound. Lee keeps getting after her but by now even he is calling the baby that!
It is a no win situation. When asked I am hesitant to reveal the name we have chosen for our baby. In our area the reaction to it is flat. Most people are naming their kids things like Kyson or Tyker-things like that. Which is fine-just not my cup of tea.
I thought that article chose to ignore a lot of factors as well. Lee laughed his head off when I told him about it-he thought it was a load of garbage.
I hope you know I was kidding when I asked you if you were serious. That article was a load of you know what. And just for the record, I don't just not hate your son's name, I love it. Seriously. I think it's absolutely adorable. At least you are naming him an actually name. Most people these days are making up names for the kids.
I agree with you that the methodology is flawed. I hope that you also got my point. Even if their conclusions have some merit now, I think the results would be different in the next generation now that so many people have unusual names.
I have decided in my next life when I am naming my babies I am not going to tell people ahead of time. When babies are not born yet people are fast and loose with their opinions. I find it is not quite the same after the baby is already named.
I always tell my prego friends/fam to not say a word about the name they've chosen until the baby arrives. Because once the baby is here and you tell them the name, it's utterly rude to see a child and still say "that's an ugly name". The only one who did still make a comment was my MIL, after McKalynn was born, ha ha ha. My lil sis is naming her baby Brylie, and I wish she hadn't told me until she is here (lol).
You go on with your fabulous name chosing (I love it!!!) Can I call him Fitz for short? I just LOVE LOVE LOVE that!!!
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