Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I'm stealing my sister's (Jenny's) idea and doing "Thankful Thursdays."

1) I'm thankful to have such a sweet, cute baby, who loves to smile and laugh and is getting around all too well already.

2) I'm thankful that despite being short-staffed at work that I've managed to stay on top of everything I need to be doing and that I've been able to perform some sort of Jedi mind trick on everyone so that they think I am doing all those things well.

3) I'm also thankful we're on the verge of hiring someone.

4) I'm thankful that Josh found someone to work on a comic with and that they have a plan for getting the book done.

5) I'm thankful that I got a raise so that I can afford to buy a car so that I can keep going to work when my boss/ride goes on maternity leave next month.

6) I'm thankful that I've had the chance to read the Ensign lately and that I've been doing better at reading my scriptures.

7) I'm glad Alek is home. Everything feels better since he has been back.

8) I'm glad that I found my Jane Austen books during my reorganization efforts last night. And that I discovered I own the Wrinkle in Time series. I forgot! I'm going to make Alek read those when he's done with Harry Potter.


Rachel said...

Any news on the house renting idea?? Have you found a car yet? I know that things will work out, somehow. Even if they are hard. I'm thankful for you!!!

Jen said...

I am thankful you "stole" my idea. Of course, I stole it from my friend Christie. It is a just a good idea to always be thankful!
