Fitz has been learning some new skills lately. A little over a week ago, he got up onto his hands and knees and started trying to crawl.

Not too long after that (last Sunday, in fact), he figured out that he didn't have to be up on his hands and knees to crawl effectively and he started army crawling. He was already pretty mobile just rolling around and kinda scooting; he is now very fast. Thus begins a dangerous time in his life. There are too many things lying around all the time that he shouldn't have. I try to keep things picked up, but it usually doesn't work out too well.
Fitz is also very close to being able to sit up. He can tripod for a while. Like in the picture below. And the video.
What is it with these kids? It sounds like Fitz is on the Sally track. She is a pretty competent sitter now. (She even gets into sitting by herself)She has been crawling on her hands and knees for a little over a week now. And the other day she pulled herself to standing. Once again a daughter who has no interest in being a baby. Whatcha gonna do?
Love the video. How cute Fitz is!! What a happy boy!
Fitz is a doll. This is the beginning of the end. He'll be into everything from here on out.
He's crawling before he's sitting up?? Holy cow! Your kids are NOT normal. ;-)
That is a seriously cute baby! I just love that kid. When am I going to see him again? Sigh.....
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