This story makes me sad. The whole situation is completely ridiculous. Maybe they should cut off little boys' fingers so they can't pretend those are guns.
On another note, this story made me laugh because it reminded me of a funny incident in my life. Several years ago, when Josh and I were living with his parents, Josh had some of his action figures displayed on our entertainment center. The action figures ranged from Navy Seals to Star Wars characters and many of them held small plastic toy guns. One day we had a visitor and I was speaking with him in the room where our entertainment center was. He interrupted our conversation to ask if we could move to a different location because he felt uncomfortable with all those guns pointed at him.
Ha ha ha ha ha. I love that story.
UDPATE: My friend was not joking; he was completely serious.
Principals are the worst. For the most part they are incompetent individuals with way too much power. This poor little boy. She did more harm to him by how she reacted than a lego gun could ever do.
Such a crazy world, isn't it?
Was your friend making a joke or was he serious?
Definitely not joking. Bruce is such a weirdo!
Oh, Bruce. Of course!
Was it Bruce Campbell? Oh wait, that Bruce......
This afternoon for lunch, Benny pulled the stick out of the corn dog (healthy food, right?) and stuck it the corndog at a perpendicular angle. And proudly turned around and showed me that he had made a gun.
It's hardwired.
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