On July 10, his 12th birthday, the Aaronic Priesthood was conferred upon Alek and he was ordained a deacon. His father, Papa, Granana and father's friend, Kyle, came here to see him ordained. I was so nervous about them coming. I was afraid everyone was going to be uncomfortable and I knew Josh was dreading seeing Jared. I wanted so badly for the day to be a positive one for everyone, especially Alek -- something we could all look back on and feel positive about. I wasn't sure how it could happen, but I prayed for it.
Josh had to give a talk in Sacrament Meeting that day (on family responsibilities, of all things), which was adding to his trepidation. I prayed for Josh a lot that morning, since he was really the one person having a hard time dealing with the "reunion."
It ended up being a day of miracles. Josh gave a wonderful talk. He was warm and funny and sincere and shared his testimony. I was overwhelmed with a feeling of love for him as I listened to him. And I was grateful that Jared and his parents had an opportunity to see more of who Josh really is. (Also, there was one point during the talk at which Josh spoke louder than anyone I have ever heard speak from the pulpit. It was shocking. It's not really a part of the miracle, just funny.)
The ordination itself was really good. Some powerful and enlightening words were spoken. I am so glad Alek has made it to this point in his life and am looking forward to him growing as a young man towards adulthood and seeing who he will become.
After the ordination, we said our goodbyes to the Wests. Josh was so friendly and at ease. He shook Jared and Kyle's hands and said we'd have to stop by and see them if we ever made it to Arizona (my jaw almost dropped at this point). Later I found out that Josh had earlier in the day come across Kyle in the hall and introduced himself and had a little chat with him. What?! I was amazed.
All in all, it was a happy, amazing, wonderful day. I left church with a full heart and a huge grin on my face. The Lord heard and answered my prayers (and Josh's too -- he told me he knows he couldn't have done what he did without heavenly help) and gave us all sweet memories to look back on. I am so grateful.
1 comment:
That is so great! That Josh is one awesome guy!
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