Just in case you couldn't tell who I was from the picture I posted earlier, here's a close up.
I'm glad to have discovered that I don't make a very attractive man. That is very reassuring.
I have to get the film developed so I can show you my kids in their Halloween costumes. They were pretty darn cute. I only have pictures from work because there are people there who actually have joined the 21st century and have digital cameras.
In addition to getting his first two teeth and learning to sit up and crawl about two and a half weeks ago, Charlie has also recently decided that he is old enough to pull himself to standing. He also has started clapping. He's only 6 months old, people. Why is he determined to grow up so fast? Even though he is driving me crazy with all this doing stuff early business, he is still the sweetest baby in the entire world. Seriously.
Kate turned two last Saturday. There are no words that can explain how cute and funny she is or how frustrating. She is currently in her high chair, chanting, "mac and cheese! mac and cheese!" My favorite thing she is saying lately? "I don't fink so." If only you could hear how she says it. It's pretty adorable.
Alek made his Christmas list last night. He was reading it out to me and said, "and the last thing on my list is the best thing of all -- love." Is it just me or is this an 8 year old's attempt at getting great presents?
Keep em coming! I am so happy that you are blogging again.
Jess-Where are you?-Jen
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