Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bring Your Child to Work Day

Bring Your Child to Work Day was on April 23 and Alek was finally old enough this year to come with me to work. I'm on my company's events planning committee and we were in charge of the activities that day. We had a lot of fun. One thing we did was give the kids a tour of the building. I work in a 19 story building, which my company owns, although we only occupy four floors. The rest are either rented out or are parking levels. On the tour we got to see all the different control rooms and we got to go on the roof. See?

Alek and Christian next to the inner workings of the building.

Alek on the roof. Look at that view!

Alek and Christian on the heli-pad on the roof.

Christian is the son of one of my co-workers and Alek did not know him before that day and will likely never see him again. But they bonded instantly and spent practically the entire day together.

We also played games with the kids, let them do chalk drawings on one of the parking levels (we'd blocked it off so it was safe) and had an ice cream social. We had a good time and Alek loved being able to hang out with me for the day.

Alek in the lobby of my building.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It looks like Alek had a great time. They don't do take your child to work day here anymore-too disruptive to school-blah,blah,blah! And so Intel doesn't do it anymore either. The boys are always asking to go to work with Lance. So glad Alek got to go to work with you!