So you may have noticed that I haven't updated my blog for a long time. There are a ton of things I want to say and even more pictures that I want to add, but it happens to be 12:52 a.m., so I will have to do just one post tonight and get back to the rest tomorrow.
Now for some pictures.

Katie had her first ice cream cone at the end of March on one of our Family Home Evening excursions. She reminds me of her Aunt Heather in this picture.

Charlie just wants to say,"hey!" If you expand this photo, you can tell that Charlie has green eyes. They 're so awesome.

One of the ways in which Josh and I differ is that he has a green thumb and loves to garden. He bought this rose bush during the fall semester when he was taking his horticulture class. I do love having the beautiful roses to look at. They spruce up our pathetically small patio.

Charlie is a lover of the simple things in life. He loves to sleep. He loves to cuddle with stuffed animals. And he loves to spit up on my carpet.

Every once in a great while, we do something cool like take our kids to the river.
This was one of those times.

Alek and I had a little photo shoot last week. This picture cracks me up.
Side note: This is not a Boston Celtics cap. This is a Celtic Football Club hat. And it's football as in soccer. And it's a Scottish team, not Irish. I know you were thinking they were Irish, because that's what I always think. And then Josh has to keep telling me that they're in Glasgow.
One last picture. Alek and I had this little photo shoot last week because I was feeling kinda skinny that day. So I asked him to take some pictures of me so I could show you all how skinny I am getting. Looking at the pictures, I am not sure why I was feeling so skinny. The outfit is clearly not as flattering as I thought. I am wearing size 10 pants in the picture below, however, and that is pretty exciting. I still have a ways to go and I am having a super hard time right now sticking with the program. But at any rate, here I am: the skinnier Jessica.

And by the way, I do realize that my house is a mess in every single one of these pictures. If I waited until my house were clean to take pictures, then there wouldn't be any pictures. I spent all day cleaning on Saturday and my house still looked like this. It's pretty hopeless.
More pictures forthcoming, including shots from: Bring Your Child to Work Day, Young Women's Conference, and Charlie's Birthday. I may also post a video. Oooh!
Hooray! I am so glad you posted!
I know what you mean about the house thing. I usually wear myself out cleaning on Saturdays (and sometimes other days) and it never even makes a dent. I just have to keep reminding myself that there are more important things in life.
You do look skinny! You go girl! I have plateaued and I really need a kick in the butt! I still want to lose 13 more pounds!
I hope you post again soon. I love to see pictures of your family. You can post some of Josh too-just so we know he is still alive.
Holy cow your kids are growing up fast. We all need to have a visit soon or we will be visiting at weddings and such.
YEAH, Jessica posted! I have been waiting for an update on you and your family. I love all the pictures. You look absolutely amazing. I am so proud of you. All this skinny talk depresses me. The first time Madi saw me after Eliza was born she said, "I don't remember your tummy being this big after you had the boys. Are you sure you don't have another baby in there?" This was like 34 hours after I'd given birth. No pressure to lose the baby weight, huh??:(
Jess, you look great!! I'm so proud of you. I know how hard it is to lose wait.
Thanks for posting pictures. I look forward to seeing the rest.
Dear MOM
I love these pictures!!
Thanks for putting my story on your
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