Thursday, April 02, 2009

Announcing the Birth of Fitzwilliam Thomas Barker

It is a fact well-known that babies are one of the purest pleasures that life affords, and that the inevitability of these little ones growing older and becoming just like everyone else does little to deter most women from filling their homes and their lives with them. This being the case, it came as no surprise when Mrs. Jessica Barker decided that having four children under foot would be preferable to having just three, and it did not take long to convince her husband of the wisdom of the scheme. Thus within a short amount of time, Mrs. Barker found herself awaiting the arrival of a new little one, although unfortunately without the aid of a full-time nurse or the comfort of a quiet country home in which she could spend her confinement. After many months suffering under the complaints that women generally endure in such a case, the day at last arrived when Mrs. Barker would have to endure no more.

Fitzwilliam Thomas Barker was brought forth into the world on Sunday, March 29 at 10:28 p.m. Sir Fitz weighed in at 8 lbs. 12 oz. and was 20 and 1/2 inches long. Many received the news with pleasure, and the baby was universally declared to be the most handsome in all Carmichaelshire. Most were struck by the amount of dark hair atop the lad’s head, as Mrs. Barker’s previous children were nearly bald as infants.

Despite an exhaustion that would no doubt last for at least 18 more years, Mr. and Mrs. Barker were thoroughly pleased with the outcome of their plans. Indeed, Mrs. Barker was heard to remark, "Four healthy children. Oh, Mr. Barker, God has been good to us," to which her husband simply replied, "It would appear he has, my dear. It would appear he has."

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