Easter Sunday pictures (also Fitz's two week mark)

Easter Egg Hunt, Family Home Evening, Monday After Easter

Fitz had his two week check up today (at 3.5 weeks old). Guess how much this kid weighs?

I talked to the doctor about Charlie a little bit. He has his two year well visit in a couple of weeks and I wanted to share our concerns with the doctor as a heads up before that appointment. He said he would make sure to have this ASQ or something like that (Jen, is that right?) for us to fill out and send back in for their specialist to go over. So we should know soon about what is going on with Charlie and what we can do for him.
Okay, I have to get back to being a mom now. Will try to post again soon.
10 pounds! So not fair! Ben weighed 10 pounds at his two week check-up. Those were the days -back when apparently my breast milk had cream in it.
great pics!! Alek is so old!
Sally was 8-13 at her one month check-up. She was 22 inches long. I am sure she is bigger now as she is starting to outgrow her clothes. It is always sad when you start putting that first set of clothes away. By the way, you should enter that picture of Alek and Charlie in contest. It looks straight out of a magazine.
Love your guts - Amy
I love all of the pictures!
Jessica, congratulations on the birth of your new baby!
He's so cute!!
I hope everything okay with you.
I still can't believe that Katie is a girl now(no more a baby)!!
The first time I saw her, she was about 3weeks old.
Oh no,,,,TIME FLIES!
Please please take care!
The kids looked so great on Easter. I loved the park pictures. I don't remember what Evan weighed at his 2 week check-up, but he weighed 15 pounds at his 2 month check up. Such big boys in this family! Let us know about Charlie!
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