Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Proof I Used to Be Cute

Two and half years ago, I'd lost 47 pounds. I was still 13 pounds overweight, according to Weight Watchers. And I looked like this.

See how silly I felt free to be? That's because I was confident.

Why did I undo all my hard work and why can't I motivate myself to get skinny again?


heathermommy said...

losing weight is hard work and it takes time. And it is not very fun. I know that confident feeling you talk about. I miss feeling that way.

Member of the Justice League said...

It's hard. I had great plans to "get healthier" while pregnant. I didn't do it. I'm 20 lbs. heavier -- and it's not because of the baby, but because I keep eating fast food.

Now I have great plans to "get healthier" after he's born. Somehow I'm not as confident I'll follow through.

Rachel said...

I hate weight. I have gained like 20 pounds since summer. And I just can't seem to motivate myself to eat better and less and exercise. Let me know if you figure it out.