Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Halloween at Work

This year, Halloween at work lacked the energy and excitement of previous years. It was pretty sad. Everyone seems to be busier than usual this year, there have been a lot of personnel changes and I think everyone is burned out. But it was still a fun day, even if it wasn't as amazing as it has been in years past.

We decided to have a floor theme this year -- the 50's. Each department did a different take on that time period -- Finance did a high school, Member Programs did a diner and sock hop and my department did a drive-in. We were really hoping to win this year, but ended up coming in 2nd, which is still way better than where we have ended up in the past.

 Finance -- Spinelli High

Member Programs -- Judy's Diner

Drive-In Entrance

Tickets (Alysia)

Snack Bar (Angela)

One of our drive-in cars (Regina and Steve)

Car #2 (Me and Kim)

The winners this year were our Human Resources gals (plus one former employee) who did a Charlie Brown theme. They really did an awesome job.

As part of our drive-in theme, we decided to film a snack bar commercial and show that along with some trailers, rather than showing an entire movie (which was our original idea). Our CEO is technically in our department and always participates in Halloween festivities, but this year had a meeting he could not get out of. So we decided to incorporate him into the commercial. He's the hot dog. I think everyone looks at him differently now. Anyway, here is what we showed at our drive-in (including the trailers, because this is how I got the file).

Everyone loved our video. I think that is what propelled us into 2nd place.

So all in all, it was a fun day. And I got to reuse some of the items for my ward Halloween party . . .


tylersgirl said...

You crack me up! I am glad to see you smiling.

heathermommy said...

that drive in was AWESOME. and your dress looks so cute from what I could see of it.

Rachel said...

I am always blown away by your office Halloween party. And the commercial was great. You really made me want to eat some popcorn!