Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Jane at 18 months

Jane turned 18 months old on February 19. She weighed in at 28 pounds, 9 ounces and was 34.5 inches tall at her check-up. That puts her in about the 95th percentile for both height and weight. Jane is a very determined, spunky girl with lots of energy. She loves to mess up Fitz's train tracks and run off with a piece or two now and then. She loves Winnie the Pooh and asks for him by name (either Pooh or Winnie the Pooh). She loves family singing time and does a lot of the actions. She is our best eater, happily partaking of everything from bell peppers to steak. She even eats kung pao chicken! She loves the blanket her Grandma made for her and insists on bringing it with her when she gets out of bed in the morning. She loves all of her family, but is a little nervous about people she doesn't know that well. She enjoys nursery, but always cries a bit when Mom or Dad drop her off. She says a ton of words (ball, no, go, hi, bye, more, all done, up, down, banana, outside, chicken, oopsie, uh oh, whee, oh man, oh cool, oh no, whoa, oh nuts, tree, baby, shh, e-i-e-i-o, cat, Mom, Dad, Katie, where's Katie, shark, teeth, door, etc.). She loves to get her teeth brushed and especially likes it when I let her turn on and off the bathroom light. She loves to play outside and to dance to music. She loves to look at books. When you say chicken, she will put her arms under her armpits and say, "bok, bok." She claps and folds her arms for prayer. If you're lucky, she'll give you a kiss. She has one adorable dimple on her right cheek. She is super cute and fun and loved everywhere she goes. She completes us!


Jen said...

oh my gosh, what a little cutie. I need an adventurous eater like that at my house!

heathermommy said...

that kid is such a mini jessica. so cute!!