One of the things I love about Sacramento -- leaves actually change color here. Isn't that beautiful? (This is from the grounds at the Sacramento Temple.)

Josh likes to take the kids to the temple grounds sometimes and just let them hang out. The temple is not too far from Alek's school and it's just pretty there and there is a huge open area where they can just walk around. This picture is from their most recent trip. Katie and Alek are such hams.

Charlie's hair is naturally curly, for now. His hair started doing this swoopy thing on the sides after it was washed. It doesn't really do it now that it's a little longer, so I'm glad we managed to capture it on film. It was a simple thing that just made Josh and me laugh and laugh.

Charlie is great at making a mess out of himself when he eats. He rubs food into his eyes and hair and all over his chest. This is a picture from when we ate stuffed shells.

Charlie in his bat jammies. These are the same bat jammies Alek wore when he was little. Charlie was very proud of himself for climbing up on the desk and then managing to clear off a space to turn around and sit down. He used to just get stuck up there on all fours.
Charlie looks so much like Josh in that messy picture!
I was just going to say that Charlie looks so much like you Jess.
Either way, what a darling boy!
I hope someday I can meet Charlie in person.
I think that Charlie looks like Joshica. you guys must come for Christmas so I mug on those kids!
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