Thursday, June 04, 2009

Two Month Old Fitz

Josh took Fitz to his two month check up on Monday. He is 14 lbs. 10 0z. and 24.75 inches, which is about the 90th percentile for both. Doctor said he is doing just great -- strong, healthy and all that jazz.

Fitz is a smiley baby, but unfortunately, this is as close as we've come to getting him smiling on camera. Oh, well, I still think he's pretty cute. In this picture, he definitely looks like Dad -- not like me at all. Except the forehead -- all my kids have been cursed with my forehead!


Jen said...

You have a cute forehead! You also have really cute kids. Baby Joshua had his 2 month check today. Hopefully I will get around to blogging about it soon.


Rachel said...

I can't believe it's been two months already. Fitz is a cutie.

CeeJ said...

Oh my gosh- I totally think he looks like a mini Josh! I shall call him Mini Me! ;) That's daddy's boy right there!! And I can't really tell if he has your forehead or not! It just looks like a regular forehead to me!

Brenda said...

That he looks like Josh was the first thought that came into my head when I looked at the picture! So cute!