Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Love This Article

By Thomas Sowell


Rachel said...

Good article. Is it totally negative of me to say that I don't think it would matter if every parent complained to their principal or their elected official? The powers that be do what they want and they could not be any less interested in what any of us think about it. Having said that, it doesn't mean that I will stop trying, but I have little to no hope of anything getting better in this world. I know it sounds defeatist and naive and dumb, but I really can't wait until Jesus comes and makes it all right.
Love ya!

fuelMybrain said...

I agree that the standards of public school curiculum are a joke! Other countries teach math and science as if they're looking to the future minds of their society being on the up and up with advances. Unfortunately we are so caught up with drama and "feelings" in America that we try to teach through those. UGH! My best friend is a 7th grade English teacher and we were talking about how many of the "classics" have been removed from the list(s) because the kids just aren't interested. How sad is that? It's interesting to see the curiculum from 50+ years ago. We have been dumbed down since then, we shouldn't underestimate the abilities of the young and that they should be more up to speed in regards to math and science. I do believe it does start in the home though, we do create the foundation for what and how our children are exposed to things and we can pave the road for their minds to be able to advance in the proper context. Good article!