Josh has done some awesome artwork lately. I need to have him scan some things so I can post them here. We also need to update his web site.
Josh probably is going to have a paying job doing art for a published comic book in a little while. The author and the publisher wanted to talk some chick into "hosting" the book (I am not entirely sure I know what that means and I am too tired to go into my explanation of what I think it means. But basically the title of the comic is "Some Chick Presents . . ."). Jason (the artist/writer/publishing company owner who Josh met through his comic group) wanted Josh to do a sketch of this girl to help convince her that she wanted to do the book. Jason also thought if the writer and this girl liked the pic, they would want him to be the artist. Well, everyone loved the pic and now they are in negotiations and Josh will probably be drawing the book here pretty soon. Hooray! Very good news.
It's a horror comic (which thrills Josh's mom to no end) and this chick who will be the host is I guess pretty well known in horror circles. Anyway, here is the pic he drew.

Inspired by Mucha. I guess there is some other guy who wants Josh to draw his horror comic too. Josh is going to become known as the horror comic guy I guess. Oh well, at least he'll get paid! :)
My writing is terrible right now. I am aware of that. I am tired and crabby and my head hurts. I'll post about Fitz later.
So, will Josh be offended if I never read any of the comic books that he draws? I am a big fraidy cat and horror in any form scares me! But the picture of the girl is awesome and I will support him in anyway that doesn't cause me to go screaming from the room and hiding myself under my covers.
That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope all the exclamation marks show our excitement for you guys
:-) Yay yay yay!!!!
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