Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Halloween at Home

We did sorta celebrate Halloween at home. We went through about a 2 week period where the stomach flu and a cold were making the rounds and Fitz decided to throw up the day of the Ward Halloween party. So I took Alek and Katie with me to the party and Josh stayed home with the two little boys.

A kinda creepy picture of me with Alek and Katie before the Ward party

At our Ward party, we have inside room-to-room trick-or-treating instead of doing a trunk-or-treat outside. I greatly appreciate this since I nearly lost Alek at the trunk-or-treat in 2007. Ward members sign up for a room to decorate and pass out candy from. Grandpa Gene and Grandma  Linda did a room:

And because Alek begged and pleaded, I did a room, too.

You may recognize these decorations from my "Halloween at Work" post. Yes, I cannibalized my work decorations for the Ward party. I did this because: a) I hate scary stuff, b) I have very few Halloween decorations and don't have the budget to or even want to buy more and c) I am lazy.

In addition to trick-or-treating, there were games for the kids and a light dinner. Alek mostly tried to stay away from me and Katie the entire evening. But I did get a shot of the two of them with Grandma.

Katie insisted on getting a picture with Brittney, one of my former Beehives and a frequent babysitter.

Charlie did get a little bit of a Halloween experience. He dressed in costume for school on Friday and they had a little party with cupcakes and candy.

Doesn't Charlie look thrilled?
Fitz's Halloween was limited to him trying on his costume. But he looked cute!

Thanks to my sister-in-law, Doreen, for outfitting all my children!


Rachel said...

Your kids are so cute. Your ward's Halloween party looked really awesome.

heathermommy said...

so cute. You looked awesome!!