Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter with My Family

Easter was a strange holiday for us this year. Alek went out of town the Saturday before Easter and won't be back for a couple of days, so we had our Easter egg hunt a little earlier than usual. We went to a local park with Grandma, Aunt Doreen and the cousins and let them look for plastic eggs. We didn't even dye eggs this year at all -- how lame are we?!

It was Katie's first hunt and at first it was hard to get her to even pay attention to what was going on. She was more interested in the Cheetos.

But she figured it out eventually.

Alek found a ton of eggs. It was a good day for him.

Then the Friday/Saturday before Easter, I went camping overnight with the youth from church. And for the first time in my life, I shot a gun. 4 guns actually -- a 9 mm, a 22 rifle, a 30 30 lever action and a 12 gauge shotgun. The 30 30 was my favorite, but I don't have any pictures of me shooting with that one.

On Sunday, I tried to get cute pictures of Katie and Charlie in their Easter clothes. Katie wouldn't stand up or take her hand away from her face. I got some cute shots of Charlie, but only realized later that unflattering images of Josh were in the background.

And because some of you want to know what I look like 40 pounds thinner, here's a pic of me on Easter (in my size 10 Easter dress). It's not a full body shot, because I am not real comfortable with that right now. And the shooting picture doesn't count because I am wearing layers of baggy clothes.

Josh missed church on Easter because he had to go get a tetanus shot. He scraped his leg on a rusty screwdriver putting his parents' lawnmower away. Cool, huh?

I had assumed we would be eating Easter dinner with Josh's family, even though they hadn't officially invited us over. Turns out, Josh's mom was sick. So we stayed home and Josh and Katie ate a cheese omelet and fried potatoes and I had a turkey sandwich and a baked potato. Very traditional Easter food . . .

All in all, a weird Easter. But not bad.


Brenda said...

I love Kate's dress!! That fabric is awesome! Of course, the kid is cute too. :-)

heathermommy said...

I think you look quite thin in the shoting pic and I am highly disappointd that I didn't get to see more of your beautiful body in your easter dress!

I love the picture of Josh giving birth to Charlie. very educational!

Rachel said...

I agree with the shooting picture. I think you are a skinny minny. You better show a full body shot for real girl!!You look absolutely gorgeous. I love the pictures of the kids.

Jen said...

Well you are super gorgeous-so what else is new? Don't you just love Weight Watchers? I will be waiting for the full body shot.....
The kids are so cute and I too am loving Kate's dress.
I wouldn't say that is necessarily an unflattering picture of Josh. It reminds me of something ZZ TOP once said, "(S)He's got legs, (s)he knows how to use them..."
Anyway, tell Josh we want to see his face next time.
We had an unusual Easter as well. We actually didn't dye eggs either-that was a first. It just shows how out of it I am. I didn't even think about it until two days later. Now I know why Grace kept saying, "This Easter really stunk!" Duh Mom!
Oh, and we ate CEREAL and leftovers for Easter dinner (maybe I am revealing too much about myself in this comment). We did make some homemade cookies though. Oh well, there's always next year.
Don't even get me started on Easter dresses because we never do that! $$$$$

David in nippon said...

Wait, when was Easter?

Kimberly said...

Great job on all your hard work! I too have lost quite a bit. Babies are worth it though!