Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Fitz is One

I am so blessed to be this little boy's mother. Look at that adorable, happy face. Isn't it wonderful? Fitz brings so much happiness into our home. He is loved by his brothers and sister. He puts up pretty well with Charlie biting him, kicking him and pushing him whenever he gets frustrated with him. He plays peek-a-boo, loves to come running when people call for him, points (a new thing that makes my heart flutter with happiness), dances, claps when we say "yea!" and is just a normal cute little baby. 

He's been a little fussy recently, but he's been sick and, it turns out, is cutting SIX new teeth. Yes, all at the same time. So really, he's a trouper. 

 Fitz kept chewing on his plate

I love my handsome Fitzwilliam Thomas Barker and I am looking forward to learning more about him as he grows. 

Fitz enjoyed playing peek-a-boo with his plate as well


Jen said...

He is so darn cute!!!!!

Amy Sheppard said...

I agree. He is absolutely adorable. He looks just like his momma. Happy Birthday Fitz!

Rachel said...

Fitz is a doll! Happy Birthday, Fitz!