Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Lot of Catching Up to Do

I know, 6 readers of mine, that I have some catching up to do. A lot of catching up. My mom came for a visit and a billion things happened just while she was here. And she's already been back home for two weeks and a billion more things have happened.

Things I need to cover include my sister-in-law's baptism, the seriously awesome YW Mad Hatter party, followed by the even more awesome YW broadcast, a trip to Disneyland, a girls' day out with mom, General Conference, Easter, Charlie's IEP being decided upon, etc.

But I gotta tell you, I don't feel like writing. I've been feeling hurt. I've been feeling introspective and I am not ready to share any of that yet. And I've been feeling pain. Old wounds have resurfaced. Some pain will only go away in the next life, I think. With some pain, I think we just have to do our best to pretend it's not there so that we can just keep chugging along.

I've been chugging along for over ten years now. And most of the time, I pretend. I pretend there's no pain. And so there's not. But sometimes, I forget to pretend. Or I'm caught off guard. And then, oh . . .

Tonight I feel like I can't breathe. So the catching up will have to wait.


Amy Sheppard said...
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Amy Sheppard said...

Hi! I deleted my earlier post due to a typo, because I am that vain. Anyway, what I was going to say is that pain does come in waves. Just when we think it is past, it comes and hits us again, hopefully not as hard as the first waves. I hope you know how much I love and admire you. I hope you are able to find the peace and healing that you need.

PS If all else fails, try to remember that we will be at Disneyland in 3 weeks. :)

Amy Sheppard said...

Okay I give up. Past=passed

Love you!

Rachel said...

Pain, though apparently a necessary part of our mortal existence, stinks. It seems we will never escape it. And sometimes we have pain from really horrible experiences. And the pain lingers on. I hope that through all the pain you will be buoyed up by the knowledge that there are many people who love you, among them me. But more importantly, you have a Savior who loves you. And He has suffered your individual, personal pain. Reach out to Him in whatever way you can. He is the only way. I know you know all this, but I have found that I forget these truths. I forget them quite easily when I am in pain. It is good to be reminded. Hang in there, sweetie. Call me if you need to. Can't wait to see you!!

Jen said...

What's up kid?