Friday, May 15, 2009

Time Heals Everything

If you had asked me 10 minutes ago whether or not it was worth it to have children, even when they start up a habit of taking off their diaper and then pooping, necessitating a thorough showering of said child, washing of blankets, sheets and stuffed animals, and spraying, wiping and sanitizing his crib, I am not sure what I would have said.

Then I came downstairs and Charlie climbed into my lap and started bouncing and laughing and all was forgiven.


Rachel said...

Oh the joys of parenting. Poop is the best!

fuelMybrain said...

I didn't mean to chuckle, but I did. I would love to read this story written from Charlie's point of view... hee hee.

When Anna was a month old, McKalynn (3 at the time) decided that toilets were beneath her and she must execute the dirty deed #2 behind the couch AND use Anna's baby blanket that I crocheted as toilet paper... :/