Friday, February 10, 2006

Can You Handle the Truth?

One of the coolest of all the cool bloggers made my day by calling me one of her new blogging friends, so I must respond to her request that I participate in the following meme. If any of my five readers wish to also participate, please do! There's some tagging thing you're supposed to do with these but I am a babe in the blogging woods and these technical things, they confuse me. So leave me a note in my comments if you have completed the meme and I will visit your groovy site so I can use my powers of discernment to identify your one truth. Instuctions for the meme are below.

Meme Directions:Write five things about yourself with only ONE of them being true. The other four are fiction, and everyone else gets to guess which one is not fiction.

1. I can name all the different kinds of ships that were involved in the first Death Star battle in Star Wars.

2. I have never beaten my husband in any game we have played together. For this, he must die.

3. My dream is to go on Survivor. I love to eat bugs, go without showering, undermine my competition and wear very little clothing. Winning the million dollars would just be a bonus.

4. I have confidence in sunshine. I have confidence in rain. I have confidence that spring will come again. Besides which you see I have confidence in me.

5. I once drove 50 miles just to get a better view of a meteor shower.

Okay, tell me what you think. I'll let you know in . . . 48 hours, I guess.


Tigersue said...

I just wanted you to know I added you on ldswomenblogs
If you would like to read another conservative LDS blog check out my sisters

sweet mama entropy said...

Oh, you poor thing. I have total empathy for your #2 (I even posted about it once). But, I'm going to guess #1, because if you really can, that's totally hilarious and if it's a lie, it's a way funny and creative one.

And feel free to check out my list if you're interested in sorting through the lies of a fellow Jessica.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I am actually guessing that #1 is true. But it could be #5. I don't know, this is hard!!

Thanks for visiting my site today. I am having a hard time coming up with false and true statements for the meme, but I hope to have mine done pretty soon as well.

~Jennifer said...

I'm guessing number 5 because that is something my family would do, and well, isn't everyone like me?

Rachelle said...

I'm going with #2, because that is so me!