Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Truth

So, I am supposed to reveal which of my five statements is true. The sad thing is, the one I thought was true actually isn't and one that I thought wasn't true is. This knowledge came courtesy of my husband, who apparently knows me better than I know myself.

2) This is the one I thought was true, until my husband read it and reminded me that I had actually beaten him at slug bug many times and also once at Clue. Also, I just beat him at a game at our ward activity last night. However, he usually does win any game we play against each other, which does greatly annoy me and injure my pride.

3) I have no desire to go on Survivor. Getting up off the couch to change the channel when the remote has been misplaced is about as much as I push myself physically. I wish someone would give me a million dollars for that.

4) I have many things, but sadly, confidence is not one of them.

5) I think I would drive 50 miles to get a better view of a meteor shower, but I have actually never done that. I do love meteor showers, however.

So the truth, it turns out is number 1. I didn't realize that I knew all the ships involved in the first Death Star battle until my husband asked me to do my best to name them all (he knew the answer, but he knows more about Star Wars than George Lucas does, I think) and I listed all four ships correctly -- X-wing, Y-wing, Tie Fighter and the Millenium Falcon. I am a bigger nerd than I thought I was.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog

Ladybug Crossing said...

Don't cha just hate it when they know more about us than we know ourselves???

Kelly said...

You don't like eating bugs?
What the...
and I thought we were gonna be friends....

Kathy said...

thanks for visiting my blog! made my day!

you're only a real nerd if you know star wars trivia and hold it as a point of pride. :P buck up! it was accidental nerdiness - the only trully cool kind.

Lena said...

That IS impressive. But do you know who Luke Skywalker's real father is?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Love the blog. I'm adding you to my visits!

Linsey Farley Jameson said...

At first I thought, oh there is no way I could name them all. But then I realized, sadly, I could. My kids watch Star Wars like some kids watch Blues Clues.

And I will so be on your team for Survivor: Potato Couch. We could have an alliance and vow to never vote each other off the couch.

Linsey Farley Jameson said...

Duh! Did I just say "potato couch? I think I might even be to big of a moron to make the cut for that version. Obviously I meant Couch Potato. Silly me...